2.3. Execution Steps - Quick Show Output

  1. Import the necessary function from module:

    from netoolkit.capture_it import quick_display
  2. Set Authentication Parameters (Format=dictionary):

    auth = {
        'un':'provide username' ,
        'pw':'provide login password',
        'en':'provide enable password'
    ## Make sure to use static passwords. Refrain using OTP, as ID may get locked due to multiple simultaneous login.
  3. Provide Device ip (Format=string):

    ip = ''
  4. Command(s) to capture (valid Formats=string,list,tuple,set):

    # Option 1:  Provide the a single show command
    cmds = 'show version'
    # Option 2:  Provide a list/set of show commands (if multiple)
    cmds = ['show version', 'show lldp neighbor']
  5. Start:

    quick_display(ip=ip, auth=auth, cmds=cmds, wait=1)    ## wait argument (integer), number of seconds



  • ip ip address of device (str)

  • auth authentication Parameters (dict)

  • cmds list of commands (str, iterable).

  • wait number of seconds to be wait before reading output stream. (increase value if output is lengthy) ( default=3 seconds )