2.2. Nt Capture-it - Individual


  • for networking version >= 0.1.0, integrated.

  • for nettoolkig version < 0.1.0, install capture-it as separate project

  1. Execution Steps

    # --------------------------------------------
    # --------------------------------------------
    from nettoolkit.capture_it import capture_individual, LogSummary
    # --------------------------------------------
    #    INPUT: Credentials
    # --------------------------------------------
    auth = {
        'un':'provide username' ,
        'pw':'provide login password',
        'en':'provide enable password'
    ## Make sure to use static passwords. Refrain using OTP, as ID may get locked due to multiple simultaneous login.
    # --------------------------------------------
    #    INPUT: necessary devices, commands
    # --------------------------------------------
    # Provide the dictionary of devices v/s commands as sample given below.
    devices = {
        '': [show_cmd_1, show_cmd_2, ..],
        '': [show_cmd_3, show_cmd_4, ..],
        ('', '', ''): [show_cmd_5, show_cmd_6, ..],
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Custom Project Imports (Optional/Additional), a sample project import mentioned as below. (modify as per own)
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    from custom.custom_captureit.cisco_bgp import BgpAdv   ## Where BgpAdv is a class which has a cmds property to return show commands for specific neighbours advertising route
    from custom.custom_factsgen import CustomDeviceFacts     ## CustomDeviceFacts is a class to modify output database as per custom requirement.
    from custom.custom_factsgen import FOREIGN_KEYS          ## FOREIGN_KEYS, define dictionary with additional custom columns require in output databse {tab_name : [column names]} format.
    # --------------------------------------------
    #    Output: provide output path
    # --------------------------------------------
    op_path = './captures/'
    # --------------------------------------------
    #    Define Capture
    # --------------------------------------------
    c = capture_individual(
        auth=auth,             ## Authentication parameters (dict)
        dev_cmd_dict=devices,  ## Dictionary of devices of list of commands ( see above sample )
        path=op_path,          ## output path - to store the outputs. (optional, default =".")
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #    Additional [optional] key settings ( Remove if do not want to change )
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    c.cumulative = 'both'    # default: True ( options: True, False, 'both')
    c.forced_login = False   # default: True ( options: True, False )
    c.parsed_output = True   # default: False ( options: True, False )
    c.visual_progress = 9    # default: 3 ( Option range: 0 - 10 )
    c.max_connections = 1    # default: 100 ( Options: any number input ) ( define max concurrent connections, 1 for sequencial )
    c.log_type = 'common'    # default: None ( Options: 'common', individual', 'both', None )
    c.common_log_file = 'common-debug.log' # default: None ( provide filename if log_type is common )
    c.retry_mandatory_cmds_retries = 1     # default: 3
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #    Additional [optional] run dynamic custom commands ( Remove if not needed )
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    c.dependent_cmds(custom_dynamic_cmd_class=BgpAdv)  # where BgpAdv is custom class imported above
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #    Additional [optional] to generate Facts file ( Remove if not needed )
    #    provide CustomDeviceFactsClass, foreign_keys if want to customize Facts file
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        CustomDeviceFactsClass=CustomDeviceFacts,  # optional (provide if need, custom class imported above )
        foreign_keys=FOREIGN_KEYS,                 # optional (provide if need, custom variable imported above )
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #    Start Capture
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #    Display failures
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #    Log-Summary ( Modify/Enable keys as requires )
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        print=True,                        ## display on screen. (default: False)
        # write_to='cmds_log_summary.log', ## create a fresh log summary file (default: None)
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


Parameters for capture

  • dev_cmd_dict dictionary of devices of list of commands

  • auth authentication Parameters

  • path output path ( use “.” for storing in same relative folder )

  • cumulative (Options: True, False, ‘Both’, None) defines how to store each command output. True=Save all output in a single file. False=Save all command output in individual file. ‘Both’=will generate both kinds of output. None=will not save text log outout to any file, but display it on screen

  • forced_login (Options: True, False) (Default: False) Forced login to device even if device ping doesn’t succeded.

  • parsed_output (Options: True, False) (Default: False) Parse the command output and generates device database in excel file. Each command output try to generate a pased detail tab.

  • max_connections (numeric) (Default: 100), change the number of simultaneous device connections as per link connection and your pc cpu processng performance.

Parameters for LogSummary

  • c (capture_individual): capture_individual object instance

  • print (bool): displays result summary on screen. Defaults to False.

  • write_to (str): filename, writes result summary to file. Defaults to None (i.e. no file write out).


Since we are providing individual commands for each device, pay attention on device type Cisco/Juniper/Arista and apply respective commands to the system appropriatly.


  1. Multiple devices can be inserted as a tuple for dictionary keys.

  2. One device can appear on multiple keys ( as stated in above example: List of commands from both entries will be clubbed together to form a single list.

  3. Grouping
    1. Create a separate group of commands based on device functionality (example: separate set of commands for each - access layers, core layers ).

    2. Create group of devices as a tuple based on device functionality.

    3. Using these above two - create a simple readable dictionary.

Watch out for the terminal if any errors and see your output in given output path.