5. Cable-Matrix Preparation

cable matrixes

Supported for nettoolkit version >= 1.5.0

5.1. Provide Necessary Input Parameters for cable matrix

First define a few static inputs. Modify as actual.

CLEAN_FILES_LIST = [          # Provide All devices -clean excel files in a list (with full path)
  # ... add all those need in drawing

5.2. Generate cable-matrix Excel file

Lets import necessary packages first. Followed by some steps to generate excel.

# --------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------
from nettoolkit.pyVig import CableMatrix
import nettoolkit.nettoolkit_db  as nt

# --------------------------------------------
# create DataFrame Generateion Object, and run
# --------------------------------------------

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# arrange cabling tab in appropriate order [optional]
# change keep_all_cols=True ( if want a few additional informations )
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# write data to Excel
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CABLE_MATRIX_OP_FILE = 'cable-matrix.xlsx'        # output Excel file with full path
nt.write_to_xl(CABLE_MATRIX_OP_FILE, CM.df_dict, index=False, overwrite=True)

At this point a new Cable Matrix Excel file will be generated.