6.2. Customize CleanFacts

  • Use below given code/process to modify the generated clean facts file.

  • There should be custom script/class to do the same.

  • Refer previous page to identify the properties of cleaned_fact object in order to process data.

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Custom Project Imports (Optional/Additional), a sample project import mentioned as below. (modify as per own)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
from custom.custom_factsgen import CustomDeviceFacts     ## CustomDeviceFacts is a class to modify output database as per custom requirement.
from custom.custom_factsgen import FOREIGN_KEYS          ## FOREIGN_KEYS, define dictionary with additional custom columns require in output databse {tab_name : [column names]} format.

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create an instance of custom project class.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ADF = CustomDeviceFacts(cleaned_fact)  # cleaned_fact - object instance created from previous page
ADF.write()                            # method defining overwrite output file with updated data



  • continue next page for adding and re-arranging additional custom colums.