3.2. Compare two Excel File / Sheet for differences

Example Use Case:

Compare Pre/Post captured -clean files tabs and provides differences

3.2.1. Sample Execution Code for XL Compare

# # Step. 1: Import necessary modules
from nettoolkit.compare_it import CompareExcelData, get_string_diffs

# # Step. 2: Define Inputs
f1 = "f1.xlsx"
f2 = "f2.xlsx"
sheet_name = "Sheet1"
index_col = "hostname"
output_file = "differences.txt"

# # Step. 3: Compare two files for adds/removals usng "CompareText"
# #        : Differences wil be generated based on index column.
diff = {}
removals = CompareExcelData(f1, f2, sheet_name, "- ")   # removals from file1
adds = CompareExcelData(f1, f2, sheet_name, "+ ")       # adds to file 2
remove_diff = removals.diff(index_col)
add_diff = adds.diff(index_col)

# # Step. 4: convert the dictionaries to string format using "get_string_diffs"
removals_str = get_string_diffs(remove_diff, "")
adds_str = get_string_diffs(add_diff, "")

# # Step. 5: Print out differences as text or write to a file using "nettoolkig.IO"

3.2.2. Snap of Execution for Excel files comparisions
