1.5. IP Subnets Scanner

Ping to multiple ip addresses from given subnets and get the report in Excel file

>>> from nettoolkit.addressing import Ping
>>> # Initiate Ping, and write out Excel
>>> P = Ping(pfxs, till=5, concurrent_connections=1000, create_tabs=True)
>>> P.op_to_xl(output_file)



  • pfxs (list): list of prefixes

  • till (int, optional): how many ips to select. (Default: 5)

  • concurrent_connections (int, optional): number of max sockets to open parallel for ping check. (default: 1000)

  • create_tabs (bool, optional): whether to create individual tabs for each subnet or not (default: False)

  • output_file (str): path/name of excel file where ping responces to be stored.


The feature is made available from the package >= 0.0.23,