Source code for nettoolkit.nettoolkit_db.convertdict

# """
# # Dictionary converter for extremely nested dictionary to and from to excel data tabular format
# """
import pandas as pd

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
INDEX_KEY_PARENTS = {'instances', 'ifphysicals', 'ifvlans', 'ifloopbacks', 'ifaggregates' } 

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[docs] def varsheet(dic): """convert and return captured var dictionary to FIND/REPLACE pairs of dict to generate the DataFrame. constraint: var-sheet has column names "FIND" & "REPLACE" Args: dic (dict): dictionary with find/replace pairs as key/value pair Returns: dict: dictionary which is friendly to convert to DataFrame and ultimately to Excel """ ndic = {'FIND':[], 'REPLACE':[]} for k, v in dic.items(): ndic['FIND'].append(k) ndic['REPLACE'].append(v) return ndic
[docs] def appendkey(dic, prefix=""): """add the prefix to keys of dictionary and return updated dictionary. conjuction will be "_". Args: dic (dict): dictionary prefix (str, optional): prefix to add on key while removing nesting. Defaults to "". Returns: dict: updated dictionary """ if not prefix: return dic ndic = {} for key, value in dic.items(): ndic[prefix + "_" + key ] = value return ndic
[docs] def recursive_dic(dic, prevkey=''): """recursive lookup in provided dictionary and serialize it to convert it to pandas data frame which can be later used to convert to excel. returns updated dictionary with key:[list of values] Args: dic (dict): nested dictionary prevkey (str, optional): previous key to add as prefix. Defaults to ''. Returns: dict: updated dictionary """ opd = {} for dickey, dicvalue in dic.items(): if isinstance(dicvalue, dict): opd.update( appendkey(recursive_dic(dicvalue, dickey), dickey )) else: opd[dickey] = dicvalue return opd
[docs] def standup_dic(dic, ikp): """create and return a dictionary with basic basic keys/header OBSOLETE NOW. Args: dic (dict): dictionary ikp (_type_): basic mandatory interface id/types/value Returns: dict: dictionary with mandatory items """ ndic = {'inttype':[], 'intid':[], 'intvalues':[]} for dickey, dicvalue in dic.items(): for dicvaluek, dicvaluev in dicvalue.items(): if dickey in ikp: ndic['inttype'].append(dickey) ndic['intid'].append(dicvaluek) else: ndic['inttype'].append('') ndic['intid'].append('') ndic['intvalues'].append(dicvaluev) # Hungami return ndic
[docs] def expand_var_dict(dic): """rollback of varsheet(), revert the values to its original dictionary format. Args: dic (dict): dictionary Returns: dict: updated dictionary """ return {k:v for k, v in zip(dic['FIND'].values(), dic['REPLACE'].values() )}
[docs] def expand_table_dict(dic): """rollback of recursive_dic(), revert the key:value nested pairs to its original position. returns nested dictionary Args: dic (dict): dictionary Returns: dict: updated dictionary """ opd = {} inttypeset = set(dic['inttype'].values()) for i, intid in dic['intid'].items(): respectiveinttype = dic['inttype'][i] if not opd.get(respectiveinttype): opd[respectiveinttype] = {} if not opd[respectiveinttype].get(intid): opd[respectiveinttype][intid] = {} diccopy = dic.copy() for k, v in diccopy.items(): if k in ('intid', 'inttype'): continue keys = k.split("_") for i, vitem in v.items(): if not vitem: continue respectiveinttype = dic['inttype'][i] respectiveint = dic['intid'][i] dd = opd[respectiveinttype][respectiveint] opd[respectiveinttype][respectiveint] = update_nested_key(dd, keys, vitem) for k, v in diccopy.items(): del(dic[k]) return opd
[docs] def update_nested_key(dic, keys, vitem): """add the nested keys in dictionary if missing, update value for trailing key, and returns updated dictionary Args: dic (dict): dictionary keys (str): keys vitem (str,iterator,dict): any nested items Returns: dict: updated dictionary """ nd = dic for i, key in enumerate(keys): if i > 0: nd = dic[prevkey] if not nd.get(key): nd[key] = {} prevkey = key nd[key] = vitem return dic
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Class to convert dictionary # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] class ConvDict(): """convert dictionary to and from between nested and serialzed format """ def __init__(self, dic=None): """initialize object Args: dic (dict, optional): dictionary to be convert to. Defaults to None. """ self.dic = dic self.set_var_table_keys() self.set_index_keys_parents()
[docs] def set_var_table_keys(self, var='var', table='table'): """standup variable of tab name, static variables:var , tabular data:table Args: var (str, optional): static find/replace kind data variable referance. Defaults to 'var'. table (str, optional): tabular data variable referance. Defaults to 'table'. """ self.var = var self.table = table
[docs] def set_index_keys_parents(self, ikp=INDEX_KEY_PARENTS): """set the parents of index keys Args: ikp (set, optional): Parent Index keys. Defaults to INDEX_KEY_PARENTS. """ self.index_keys_parents = ikp
[docs] def convert_table_dic(self): """convert the nested table dictionary to serialized format, returns serialized dict Returns: dict: updated table dictionary """ ndic = standup_dic(self.dic[self.table], self.index_keys_parents) ndiclen = len(ndic['intvalues']) for i, d in enumerate(ndic['intvalues']): rd = recursive_dic(d) for k, v in rd.items(): if not ndic.get(k): ndic[k] = ["" for _ in range(ndiclen)] ndic[k][i] = v del(ndic['intvalues']) return ndic
[docs] def convert_var_dic(self): """convert the var key:value pair to a dictionary of list of FIND/REPLACE pairs Returns: dict: updated var dictionary """ return varsheet(self.dic[self.var])
[docs] def to_dataframe(self, sheetname): """convert the given sheetname dictionary to necessary serialized format and convert and return to pandas dataframe object Args: sheetname (str): Sheet Name Returns: DataFrame: dataframe """ if sheetname == self.var: return pd.DataFrame(self.convert_var_dic()).fillna("") if sheetname == self.table: return pd.DataFrame(self.convert_table_dic()).fillna("")
[docs] def expand_to_dict(self, df_var, df_table): """expand the provided dataframes of var/table to nested dictionary and return it Args: df_var (DataFrame): var (find/replace) pairs dictionary df_table (DataFrame): tabular data dictionary Returns: dict: dictionary of converted data """ d_var = df_var.to_dict() opdv = self.expand_dfdic_to_dict(self.var, d_var) d_table = df_table.to_dict() opdt = self.expand_dfdic_to_dict(self.table, d_table) opd = {self.var: opdv} opd.update(opdt) return opd
[docs] def expand_dfdic_to_dict(self, sheetname, dic): """expand the provided dictionary to nested dictionary and return it Args: sheetname (str): sheet name dic (dict): dataframe dictionary Returns: dict: dictionary of converted dictionary """ if sheetname == self.var: return expand_var_dict(dic) if sheetname == self.table: return expand_table_dict(dic)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__ == '__main__': pass # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------