Source code for nettoolkit.nettoolkit_common.common

# """Common Definitions used across project"""
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import pandas as pd
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CMD_LINE_START_WITH = "output for command: "

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[docs] def remove_domain(hn): """Removes domain suffix from provided hostname string Args: hn (str): fully qualified dns hostname Returns: str: hostname left by removing domain suffix """ return hn.split(".")[0]
[docs] def read_file(file): """read the provided text file and retuns output in list format Args: file (str): text file name Returns: list: output converted to list (separated by lines) """ with open(file, 'r') as f: file_lines = f.readlines() return file_lines
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[docs] def get_op(file, cmd): """filter the command output from given captured file. Note: output should be taken from capture_it utility or it should be in the format derived by it. Args: file (str): capture file cmd (str): show command for which output to capture Returns: list: filtered command output in list format """ file_lines = read_file(file) toggle, op_lst = False, [] for l in file_lines: if l.find(CMD_LINE_START_WITH)>0: toggle = l.find(cmd)>0 continue if toggle: op_lst.append(l.strip()) return op_lst
[docs] def get_ops(file, cmd_startswith): """filter the command outputs from given captured file. Note: output should be taken from capture_it utility or it should be in the format derived by it. Args: file (str): capture file cmd_startswith (str): show command start string Returns: dict: filtered command output in dict format """ file_lines = read_file(file) toggle, op_lst, op_dict = False, [], {} for l in file_lines: if toggle and l.find(CMD_LINE_START_WITH)>0: op_dict[cmd] = op_lst op_lst = [] toggle=False if l.find(CMD_LINE_START_WITH)>0: toggle = l.find(cmd_startswith)>0 cmd = l[l.find(cmd_startswith):].strip() continue if toggle: op_lst.append(l.rstrip()) return op_dict
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[docs] def blank_line(line): """checks if provided line is blank line or not. Args: line (str): input line Returns: bool: is line blank or not """ return not line.strip()
[docs] def get_device_manufacturar(file): """finds out manufacturer (cisco/juniper) from given capture file. in case if not found, it will return as Unidentified. Args: file (str): input capture file Returns: str: Either one from - Cisco, Juniper, Unidentified """ file_lines = read_file(file) for l in file_lines: if l.startswith("!"): return "Cisco" if l.startswith("#"): return "Juniper" return "Unidentified"
[docs] def verifid_output(cmd_op): """vefifies if command output is in valid state. Multiline string are splits with CR. and retuns as list. if input is a list, it will be returned as is. any other input will throw error. Args: cmd_op (list, str): Either list or Multiline string of output Raises: TypeError: Raise error if input is other than string or list. Returns: list: output in list format """ if isinstance(cmd_op, str): cmd_op = cmd_op.split("\n") if not isinstance(cmd_op, list): raise TypeError("Invalid Command Output Received.\n" f"Expected either multiline-string or list, received {type(cmd_op)}.") return cmd_op
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[docs] def get_string_part(line, begin, end): """get the sub-string out of provided long string(line) Args: line (str): string line begin (int): sub-str start point end (int): sub-str end point Raises: TypeError: Raise error if input is invalid or sub-string falls outside Returns: str: sub-string """ try: return line[begin: end].strip() except: raise TypeError("Unrecognized Input")
[docs] def get_string_trailing(line, begin_at): """get the training part of sub-string starting from provided index Args: line (str): string line begin_at (int): sub-str start point Raises: TypeError: Raise error if input is invalid or sub-string falls outside Returns: str: sub-string """ try: return line[begin_at:].strip() except: raise TypeError("Unrecognized Input")
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[docs] def standardize_mac(mac): """removes . or : from mac address and make it a standard Args: mac (str): mac address Returns: str: standard format of mac address """ return mac.replace(":","").replace(".","")
[docs] def mac_2digit_separated(mac): """converts input mac to 2 digit separated mac format, separator=`:` Args: mac (str): mac address Returns: str: 2 digit separated format of mac address """ mac = standardize_mac(mac) for x in range(6): if x == 0: s = mac[:2] else: s += ":" + mac[x*2:(x*2)+2] return s
[docs] def mac_4digit_separated(mac): """converts input mac to 4 digit separated mac format, separator=`.` Args: mac (str): mac address Returns: str: 4 digit separated format of mac address """ mac = standardize_mac(mac) for x in range(3): if x == 0: s = mac[:4] elif x == 1: s += "." + mac[4:8] elif x == 2: s += "." + mac[8:] return s
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ try: from collections import MutableMapping except: from import MutableMapping
[docs] def flatten(d, parent_key='', sep='_'): """flattens the dictionary Args: d (dict): input can be multi-nested dictionary. parent_key (str, optional): key from previous dictionary to be prefixed with current keys. Defaults to ''. sep (str, optional): keys separator. Defaults to '_'. Returns: dict, list: dictionary of lists if input is dictinoary, list with input dictionary if input is anything else """ items = [] if isinstance(d, dict): for k, v in d.items(): new_key = parent_key + sep + k if parent_key else k if isinstance(v, MutableMapping): items.extend(flatten(v, new_key, sep=sep).items()) else: items.append((new_key, v)) return dict(items) else: return [d]
[docs] def dataframe_generate(d): """convert dicationary to dataframe. multi-level dictionary will be converted flattened first inorder to convert to DataFrame. Args: d (dict): input can be multi-nested dictionary. Returns: DataFrame: pandas DataFrame """ new_d = {} for k, v in d.items(): new_d[k] = flatten(v, "") return pd.DataFrame(new_d).fillna("").T
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[docs] def printmsg(pre=None, post=None, pre_ends="\n"): def outer(func): def inner(*args, **kwargs): if pre: print(pre, end=pre_ends) fo = func(*args, **kwargs) if post: print(post) return fo return inner return outer
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